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Table 2 Comparative table between symptoms of absinthism and alcoholism according to animal experiments of Amory (1868) [38].

From: Absinthism: a fictitious 19th century syndrome with present impact

Absinthism (Injection of pure wormwood extract (0.8–4.5 g) into the stomach of different animals)

Alcoholism (Injection of alcohol (0.8–5 g) into the stomach of different animals)

Animal perfectly well for fifteen minutes, at the least after the ingestion; with the exception of a few muscular twichings and a slight uneasiness.

In a very few minutes symptoms of inebriation resulting in torpor.

Musuclar agitation, commencing in the anterior portion of the body.

Paralysis, commencing in posterior extremities, and then extending to the anterior.

No paralysis.

Paralysis of both posterior and anterior extremities in succession.

Epileptiform convulsions and rigidity, resulting in a rapid death.

No convulsions. Stupor, coma, resolution and a gradual death.

No apparent lesion, except, perhaps a slight cerebral congestion, showing the cause of death to be intoxication of the poison.

Lesions of the brain and of the alimentary canal; gastritis and enteritis might have supervened, had the animals lived long enough for their development