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Table 4 Overview of personality traits in treated and untreated women diagnosed with AUD. Total sample n = 1,339, reference population without AUD n = 1,122.

From: A cross-sectional study of personality traits in women previously treated or untreated for alcohol use disorders


Personality traits

Life time psychiatric diagnoses DSM-III-R n = 217

Treated/untreated women with lifetime AUD n = 217

Personality traits

Treated/untreated women with lifetime AUD Resolved n = 123

Personality traits

Women diagnosed with lifetime AUD n = 217


↑somatic anxiety

↑psychic anxiety



↑monotony avoidance




↑verbal aggression

↑indirect aggression


Anxiety 36 %

Depression 21 %

Treated n = 42 ††

↑somatic anxiety



Treated n = 23 †††

↑somatic anxiety

↑psychic anxiety





Untreated n = 175

Resembles the reference population

Untreated n= 100 ††††

↑somatic anxiety

↑psychic anxiety

↑monotony avoidance





  1. † = significant differences between the reference population (n = 1,122) and women diagnosed with lifetime AUD (n = 217).
  2. ††= significant differences between treated (n = 42) and untreated (n = 175) women with AUD.
  3. †††= significant differences between treated (n = 23) and untreated (n = 100) women with resolved AUD.
  4. †††= significant differences between untreated women with resolved AUD (n = 100) and the reference population (n = 1,122).