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Table 2 Characteristics of current smokers about cigarette consumption

From: Smoking among adolescents in Northern Greece: a large cross-sectional study about risk and preventive factors


P-value (test; value; df)

Age of starting regular smoking

14.6 ±1.7 years


Everyday cigarette use (cigarettes/day)

2,245 (15.7 ±10.6)


12–15 years old

334 (12.4 ±11.1)

<0.001 (Mann Whitney U test;8.17;na)

16–18 years old

1,885 (16.3 ±10.5)


1,365 (16.6 ±11.3)

<0.001 (Mann Whitney U test; 4.57;na)


869 (14.3 ±9.4)

Current smokers but not everyday use (cigarettes/last month)

414 (40.1 ±72.9)


≥ 15 cigarettes per day

1,179/2,219 (53.1%)


12–15 years old

128 (38.3%)

<0.001 (χ2;34.63;1)

16–18 years old

1,051 (55.8%)

≥ 15 cigarettes per day and the first cigarette within 30–60 min after awaking in the morning

882 (32.8%)


Tried to quit during the last 12 months

1,116/2,653 (42.1%)


Their parents are aware that they smoke

1,706/2,647 (64.5%)

  1. na: not applicable.