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Table 5 Demographics of participants in this study

From: Application of the principles of evidence-based practice in decision making among senior management in Nova Scotia’s addiction services agencies

Senior management (n = 18*)




n = 8


n = 10

Highest Level of Education Obtained



n = 4

Masters or higher

n = 14

Background Education**



n = 2

Social Work

n = 6

Clinical Psychology

n = 5

Business Admin.

n = 2


n = 1

Community Health

n = 1


n = 1

Health Administration

n = 1

Nurse Practitioner

n = 1

Mean years in Senior Management

x ¯ =16.5;  = 3.81


range = 3–35 years

  1. *Although one individual’s job title within the DHA was that of clinical supervisor, their role within the DHA matched that of the role description for the Occupational Cluster Senior Management.
  2. **One participant held both a masters of nursing as well as a nurse practitioner diploma; one participant held masters degrees in both business administration and pharmacology; this information is included twice.