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Table 1 Characteristics of studies included

From: Effects of behavioural activation on substance use and depression: a systematic review



Study type

Setting and Country



Inclusion criteria

Sample characteristics

Daughters et al. (2018) [49]


Substance use residential treatment setting, USA

Alcohol/other drugs

To compare outcomes for a BA group treatment for substance use (LETS ACT) versus a time and group size-matched control condition delivered in a residential treatment setting.

Patients at the residential substance use treatment facility: (1) court-mandated to attend the program by the criminal justice system or (2) entered treatment voluntarily and received public funding.

N = 263 (female 29.5%, mean age 42.7; SD = 11.8) African American 95.4%

Gonzalez-Roz et al. (2018) [50]


Clinical Unit of Addictive Behaviours of the University of Oviedo, Spain


To analyze if adding a CM component to CBT and BA would increase smoking cessation treatment adherence and decrease depressive symptoms

(1) Age ≥ 18; (2) smoking ≥10 cigarettes per day within the last year; (3) meeting criteria for current unipolar major depression disorder (meeting DSM-IV-TR criteria or BDI score ≥ 14); and (4) meeting DSM-IV-TR criteria for nicotine dependence.

N = 74 (females 82.4%)

Busch et al. (2017) [43]


Inpatient cardiac units at The Miriam and Rhode Island Hospitals. Providence, RI, USA


To compare BAT-CS to a Standard-of-Care control on smoking abstinence, mood, and stress related variables.

(1) ACS diagnosis documented in medical record; (2) smoking ≥3 cigarettes/day prior to hospitalization; (3) age 18–75; (4) English fluency; (5) telephone access; (6) living within 1-h drive of admitting hospital; and (7) willingness to attempt to quit smoking at discharge.

N = 59 (female 27.1%; mean age 55.6; SD = 10.2)

Non-Hispanic Caucasian 89.8%; Non-Hispanic African American 5.1%; Hispanic Caucasian 3.4%; Multiracial 1.7%

Delgadillo et al. (2015) [46]


CDAT services Leeds, UK

Alcohol/other drugs

To examine the feasibility of a 12-session face-to-face BA intervention compared to a CBT-based guided self-help intervention for depression.

(1) ≥1 month registered with CDAT; (2) clinically significant depression symptoms as defined by the PHQ-9; (3) mild-to-moderate symptoms of alcohol/drug dependence as defined by SDS.

N = 50 (female 32.0%; mean age 37.2; SD = 6.6)

White British 72.0%, other 28.0%

Mimiaga et al. (2012) [48]


The Fenway Institute, Fenway Health. Boston, MA, USA

Crystal methamphetamine

To evaluate BA with integrated HIV RR counseling for crystal methamphetamine abuse

(1) Age ≥ 18; (2) self-reported ≥1 episodes of unprotected anal sex with a nonmonogamous male sexual partner with concurrent use of crystal methamphetamine in the past 3 months; (3) HIV uninfected.

N = 19 (male 100%; mean age 40.0; SD = 9.5)

Caucasian 62.5%; racial/ethnic minorities 37.5%

MacPherson et al. (2010) [47]


Not reported


To examine BA as a treatment for smoking cessation and depression vs. ST.

(1) Age18–65; (2) current regular smoker (≥1 year); (3) smoking ≥10 cigarettes/day; (4) BDI-II ≥10; (5) no current DSM-IV disorder assessed by the SCID-NP.

N = 68 (female 48.5%)

BATS: mean age 45.0 (SD = 12.20); African-American 69.7%

ST: mean age 42.6 (SD = 11.5); African-American 75.8%

Carpenter et al. (2008) [45]


Community-based treatment programs. New York City, NY, USA


To test the efficacy of BTDD vs. REL for DSM-IV depressive disorders and substance abuse.

(1) Current DSM-IV major depression or dysthymic disorder; (2) stable methadone dose (no changes in prior two weeks) of ≥60 mg.

N = 38 (female 42.1%)

BTDD: mean age 38.8 (SD = 10.40; Caucasian 88.9%

REL: mean age 41.2 (SD = 10.9); Caucasian 75.0%

Carpenter et al. (2006) [44]


2 community-based methadone maintenance programs. New York City, NY, USA


To develop and pilot test a behavioural therapy for depression in drug dependence.

DSM-IV criteria for major depression or dysthymic disorders that: (1) antedated the earliest lifetime substance abuse; (2) persisted during 6 months of abstinence in the past, or at least 1 month during methadone treatment; (3) had a stable methadone dose of ≥60 mg; and (4) consented to participate.

N = 29 (female 41.3%; mean age 41.0; SD = 7.9)

Caucasian 58.6%; Hispanic 27.6%; African-American 10.3%; and Asian 3.4%

  1. ACS Acute Coronary Syndrome, BA Behavioural Activation, BAT-CS Behavioural Activation Treatment for Cardiac Smokers, BDI-II Beck Depression Inventory-II, BTDD Behavioural Therapy for Depression in Drug Dependence, CBT Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment, CDAT Community Drugs and Alcohol Treatment, CM Contingence Management, DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, LETS ACT Life Enhancement Treatment for Substance Use, MDD Major Depression Disorder, PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire, RCT Randomised Controlled Trial, REL Structured Relaxation Intervention, RR Risk Reduction, SCID-NP Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, non-patient version SDS Severity of Dependence Scale, ST Standard Treatment