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Table 1 Staff and client characteristics, post-intervention, in programs randomly assigned to intervention and control conditionsa

From: A cluster-randomized trial of a brief multi-component intervention to improve tobacco outcomes in substance use treatment


Program staff

(n = 74)

Program clients

(n = 174)

Age, mean (SD)

45.8 (10.7)

37.0 (11.1)

Gender, %


32 (43%) b

129 (75%)


42 (57%)

43 (25%)

Race/ethnicity, %


18 (24%)

61 (35%)

 Black or African American

16 (22%)

13 (7%)

 White or Caucasian

35 (47%)

82 (47%)


5 (7%)

18 (10%)

Education, %

 Less than high school/GED

2 (3%)

44 (25%)

 High school diploma or GED

45 (61%)

59 (34%)

 More than high school/GED

27 (36%)

71 (41%)

Smoking Status, %

 Current Smokers

23 (31%)

123 (71%)

 Former Smokers

39 (53%)

40 (23%)

 Never Smokers

12 (16%)

11 (6%)

Cigarettes per dayc

9.5 (4.7)

9.0 (6.0)

Seriously thinking of quitting smoking?c

 Yes, next 30 days

9 (39%)

42 (34%)

 Yes, within the next 6 months

9 (39%)

37 (30%)

 No, not thinking of quitting within the next 6 months

5 (22%)

43 (35%)

  1. a Comparison between conditions are conducted using post-intervention data only, and characteristics reported here refer to survey data collected at post-intervention only
  2. b Percentages rounded to nearest whole number
  3. c Includes current smokers only